Candace Fleming  
alphabetical list of books    
alphabetical list of books
Alphabetical List of Books

Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell

Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

Ben Franklin’s Almanac: Being a True Account of the Good Gentleman’s Life

Ben Franklin’s in My Bathroom!

Big Cheese for the White House

Boxes for Katje

Bulldozer Helps Out

Bulldozer’s Big Day

Clever Jack

Cubs in the Tub: The True Story of the Bronx Zoo's First Woman Zookeeper

Curse of the Mummy: Uncovering Tutankhaman's Tomb

Day I Died: Stories from the Grave

Eleanor Roosevelt’s in My Garage!

Emma’s Circus

Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II

Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary

Family Romanov: Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of Imperial Russia

Fatal Throne: The Wives of Henry VIII Tell All

Gator Gumbo

Giant Squid

Go Sleep in Your Own Bed!

Great and Only Barnum:
The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P.T. Barnum

Guys Read: True Stories, contributor

Hatmaker’s Sign: A Story by Benjamin Franklin

Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera

Imogene’s Last Stand

Lincolns: a Scrapbook Look at Abraham and Mary

Lowji Discovers America

Madame LaGrande and Her So High, To the Sky, Uproarious Pompadour


Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!

Narwhal: Unicorn of the Arctic

Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep

Oh, No!

Our Eleanor: a Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt’s Remarkable Life

Our Story Begins, contributor

Papa’s Mechanical Fish

Penny & Pip

Presenting Buffalo Bill: The Man Who Invented the Wild West

Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh

Seven Hungry Babies

Smile, Lily!

Strongheart: Wonder Dog of the Silver Screen

Sunny Boy: The Life and Times of a Tortoise

This is the Baby

Tippy, Tippy, Tippy, Hide!

Tippy, Tippy, Tippy, Splash!

Westward Ho, Carlotta!

What Isabella Wanted: Isabella Stewart Gardner Builds a Museum

When Agnes Caws

Who Invited You?

Women of the Lights

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The Enigma Girls Mine! The Curse of the Mummy Cubs in the Tub The Family Romanov Honeybee The Rise and Fall of Charles Lindbergh Giant Squid Eleanor Roosevelt's in My Garage