For the Press

Candace Fleming
Can­dace Fleming

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300 dpi, CMYK, JPG, 6″ x 9″, suit­able for printing

72 dpi, RGB, JPG, 300 x 469 px, suit­able for the internet

Candace Fleming
Can­dace Fleming

Down­load­able Photos

To down­load a ver­sion of the pho­to above, right-click (or option-click) on the link below and choose “save tar­get as” or “save link as.”

300 dpi, CMYK, JPG, 2″ x 3″, suit­able for printing

72 dpi, RGB, JPG, 300 x 400 px, suit­able for the internet


Can­dace Flem­ing award­ed her­self the New­bery Medal in fifth grade after scrap­ing the gold stick­er off the class copy of The Witch of Black­bird Pond and past­ing it onto her first nov­el — a ten-page, ten-chap­ter mys­tery called Who Done It? She’s been col­lect­ing awards (her own, not Eliz­a­beth George Speare’s) ever since.

Today, Can­dace Flem­ing is the author of more than fifty books for chil­dren and young adults, includ­ing the 2021 Sib­ert Medal-win­ning Hon­ey­bee: The Busy Life of Apis Mel­lif­era, as well as the 2021 YALSA Excel­lence in Non­fic­tion Award-win­ning The Rise and Fall of Charles Lind­bergh. A recip­i­ent of the Los Ange­les Times Book Prize, she is also the two-time win­ner of both the Boston Globe/Horn Book Award, and the Sib­ert Hon­or. Her most recent titles are The Enig­ma Girls and Nar­whal, Uni­corn of the Arc­tic.


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