The Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell

illus­trat­ed by Gérard DuBois

Schwartz & Wade
Ran­dom House, 2018
ages 3 to 10

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After you’ve read The Amaz­ing Col­lec­tion of Joey Cor­nell, try this book:

The Amazing Collection of Joey Cornell

This pic­ture book based on the child­hood of artist and sculp­tor Joseph Cor­nell is sure to beguile aspir­ing artists and col­lec­tors of all ages.

Joey Cor­nell col­lect­ed every­thing — any­thing that sparked his imag­i­na­tion or delight­ed his eye. His col­lec­tion grew and grew until he real­ized that cer­tain pieces just looked right togeth­er. He assem­bled his doo­dads to cre­ate won­der­ful, mag­i­cal cre­ations out of once ordi­nary objects.

Per­fect for intro­duc­ing art to kids, here’s an imag­i­na­tive and engag­ing book based on the child­hood of great Amer­i­can artist Joseph Cornell.


“Joseph Cornell’s icon­ic box­es now reside in muse­ums the world over, but where did the self-taught artist get his start? Flem­ing and Dubois endeav­or to answer that ques­tion in this account of the artist’s child­hood. Dubois’ charm­ing­ly old-fash­ioned paint­ings depict young Joey pick­ing up fas­ci­nat­ing objects around his home and neigh­bor­hood, which he keeps in an ever-grow­ing col­lec­tion. He picks up feath­ers, doll parts, scraps of paper, and any­thing that “sparked his imag­i­na­tion or delight­ed his eye,” and when he’s asked why he’d want such a thing, he always replies, “Who knows?” As Joey gets old­er, his col­lec­tion takes up more and more room in Dubois’ illus­tra­tions. Even­tu­al­ly, Joey starts to see con­nec­tions among all the mag­i­cal, fas­ci­nat­ing, and exot­ic objects, and when his fam­i­ly strug­gles with grief, he cre­ates some­thing whol­ly new and love­ly to bring them some joy, too. Fleming’s empha­sis on inspi­ra­tion, even from the most ordi­nary places, should empow­er lit­tle ones to make art of their own. An open­ing author’s note adds fur­ther details about Cor­nell and his art.” (Sarah Hunter, Book­list)