This is the Baby

illus­trat­ed by Mag­gie Smith
Melanie Kroupa Books, 2004
ages 4 to 8

Please find this book at your favorite library or used bookseller.

After you’ve read This is the Baby, try this book:

This is the Baby

This is the dia­per, often a mess,
that goes on the baby who hates to be dressed.

“No! No! Nooo!”

Take one tod­dler who can’t stand get­ting dressed. Add a moth­er who is deter­mined to dress baby. The result is a laugh-filled strug­gle as this mom­my uses all her inge­nu­ity and pow­ers of per­sua­sion to get baby into dia­per, T‑shirt, sweater, and many lay­ers of win­ter cloth­ing. But just when she thinks she’s suc­ceed­ed, baby peels every­thing off and hap­pi­ly struts, naked once again. Yes! Yes! Yes!

Wit­ty pic­tures full of affec­tion rein­force the high spir­its of this com­ic bat­tle of wills so famil­iar to par­ents — and tod­dlers — everywhere.

Awards and Recognition

  • Mia­mi Her­ald Best Book 2004
  • Nick Jr. Fam­i­ly Mag­a­zine Best Tod­dler Book of 2004


“Any par­ent who’s ever wres­tled a recal­ci­trant, wrig­gling child into his clothes will smile in sym­pa­thy with this patient and play­ful moth­er who decides to use light­heart­ed dis­trac­tion as a means to get duds like ‘the sweater, itchy and hot / that cov­ers the T‑shirt, / wrin­kled a lot / that snaps over the dia­per, / often a mess, / … on[to] the baby / who hates to be dressed.’ And even though mom does seem to suc­ceed, and even to coax the glim­mer of a grin out of her grumpy lit­tle guy, you can just bet that he is deter­mined not to stay dressed for long. ‘No! No! Nooo!’ Smith’s naive and rosy-cheeked char­ac­ters, cozy tex­tures, and cray­on-box col­ors are a per­fect accom­pa­ni­ment to Flem­ing’s well-con­struct­ed, cumu­la­tive, ‘House That Jack-Built’ pat­terned sto­ry that pos­i­tive­ly insists on read­er inter­ac­tion, whether one-on-one, when it’s fun to hunt for the end­pa­per-pic­tured ele­ments that appear through­out, or with a great big group, who will gig­gle and grin and sure­ly join in the oh-so-famil­iar game (which would make for won­der­ful flan­nel­board fun, too). Add this pleas­ing piece to your accu­mu­la­tion of sto­ry­time tales.” (Kathy Kras­niewicz, School Library Jour­nal)

“Flem­ing and Smith show the pro­fes­sion­al wrestler in every mom in this pic­ture-book drama­ti­za­tion of get­ting a tod­dler dressed. Baby dis­dains dress­ing in lay­ers, but Mom is deter­mined to top off the dia­per with a ‘sweater, itchy and hot,’ ‘jeans, stiff in the knee,’ and ‘boots, pinchy and tight.’ While Flem­ing’s text nar­rates the bat­tle of wills to the rhythm of ‘The House That Jack Built,’ Smith’s art­work shows Baby squirm­ing and strug­gling, Mom chas­ing and cajol­ing, and exas­per­at­ed expres­sions all around. The famil­iar cumu­la­tive struc­ture makes this a snap to read aloud, and kids will delight in repeat­ed­ly shout­ing out ‘No! No! Nooo!’ along with intractable Baby. Smith’s gum-drop-hued paint­ings infuse the tus­sling with ten­der­ness as the styl­ized, rosy-cheeked char­ac­ters nego­ti­ate the famil­iar domes­tic strug­gle. The twist end­ing will leave chil­dren and par­ents alike chuck­ling in recog­ni­tion: off comes the hard-won out­fit, leav­ing Baby to streak ‘free and undressed … Yes! Yes! Yes!’ (Jen­nifer Matt­son, Book­list)