TIppy Tippy Tippy Hide

illus­trat­ed by G. Bri­an Karas
Gin­ny Seo Books, 2007
ages 4 to 8

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nar­rat­ed by William Dufris


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After you’ve read Tip­py-Tip­py-Tip­py, Hide! try this book:

Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Hide!


That’s the sound of three lit­tle bun­nies on Mr. McGreely’s doorstep, beg­ging to come inside for the win­ter. But while Mr. McGreely shared his car­rots with the bun­nies last sum­mer, he has no inten­tion of shar­ing his house! So …

Ham­mer! Bam! SmackSlam!

That’s the sound of Mr. McGreely board­ing up his win­dows to keep the bun­nies out in the cold where they belong! The trou­ble is, no mat­ter what Mr. McGreely does, the pesky puff­tails have a way of sneak­ing inside — and tak­ing his things to make a warm, cozy nest for them­selves. Will Mr. McGreely ever get the best of these infu­ri­at­ing flopears?



“With win­ter com­ing, Mr. McGreely snug­gles up with a good book, but ‘Knoc­ka-knoc­ka-knoc­ka!,’ three lit­tle rab­bits come beg­ging at his door. Since he won’t let them in, they sneak in through the mail slot (‘Tip­py-tip­py-tip­py, hide!’). Each suc­ces­sive night, as the snow falls and the wind howls, the ‘pesky puff­tails’ find a new way to enter. Each morn­ing, the man dis­cov­ers evi­dence of their tres­pass­ing-foot­prints on a chair, nose smudges in his tub, even ‘bun­ny drops’ on his pil­low! Yet, despite his ever-expand­ing search, which is cap­tured in cumu­la­tive vers­es (‘over and under, / above and below, / here and there, / high and low’), he can­not find the crit­ters. Seal­ing up his home with boards and bricks, he tri­umphant­ly waits out the sea­son in peace. When spring arrives, it’s the bun­nies who have the last laugh: they’re out­side munch­ing flow­ers while Mr. McGreely is trapped indoors. … Per­fect for win­ter read-alouds, this sassy sequel will please fans of the first book.” (Martha Topol, School Library Jour­nal)

“In this fol­low-up to the well-received Mun­cha! Mun­cha! Mun­cha!, Flem­ing con­tin­ues her far­ci­cal tale of man against rab­bits. Once again, a trio of ‘pesky puff­tails’ dis­turbs Mr. McGreely. This time, they are intent on sneak­ing into his cozy home for win­ter. After find­ing rab­bit fur in his break­fast and on his favorite chair, Mr. McGreely tries every­thing to keep the bun­nies out. He nails up his mail slot and win­dows, cov­ers his chim­ney, and final­ly, after wak­ing up to a pile of drop­pings on his pil­low, bricks in his doors. Bar­ri­cad­ed, he set­tles in for the win­ter, but when spring comes, he dis­cov­ers his error: he is blocked in, while bun­nies frol­ic on his warm, green lawn. A few ref­er­ences to Mun­cha! may lose kids who don’t know the first title, and this sto­ry isn’t as strong and cohe­sive as the orig­i­nal. Still, Karas’ amus­ing paint-and-pen­cil illus­tra­tions make the most of the slap­stick, and the irre­sistible rhyme and ono­matopoeia (‘Tip­py-tip­py-tip­py, wig­gle, through the mail slot. Tip­py-jig­gle.’) will read-aloud well to a row­dy crowd.” (Gillian Eng­berg, Book­list)