illustrated by G. Brian Karas
Ginny Seo Books, 2007
ages 4 to 8
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After you’ve read Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Hide! try this book:
Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Hide!
That’s the sound of three little bunnies on Mr. McGreely’s doorstep, begging to come inside for the winter. But while Mr. McGreely shared his carrots with the bunnies last summer, he has no intention of sharing his house! So …
Hammer! Bam! SmackSlam!
That’s the sound of Mr. McGreely boarding up his windows to keep the bunnies out in the cold where they belong! The trouble is, no matter what Mr. McGreely does, the pesky pufftails have a way of sneaking inside — and taking his things to make a warm, cozy nest for themselves. Will Mr. McGreely ever get the best of these infuriating flopears?
- Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Hide! Classroom Guide
“With winter coming, Mr. McGreely snuggles up with a good book, but ‘Knocka-knocka-knocka!,’ three little rabbits come begging at his door. Since he won’t let them in, they sneak in through the mail slot (‘Tippy-tippy-tippy, hide!’). Each successive night, as the snow falls and the wind howls, the ‘pesky pufftails’ find a new way to enter. Each morning, the man discovers evidence of their trespassing-footprints on a chair, nose smudges in his tub, even ‘bunny drops’ on his pillow! Yet, despite his ever-expanding search, which is captured in cumulative verses (‘over and under, / above and below, / here and there, / high and low’), he cannot find the critters. Sealing up his home with boards and bricks, he triumphantly waits out the season in peace. When spring arrives, it’s the bunnies who have the last laugh: they’re outside munching flowers while Mr. McGreely is trapped indoors. … Perfect for winter read-alouds, this sassy sequel will please fans of the first book.” (Martha Topol, School Library Journal)
“In this follow-up to the well-received Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!, Fleming continues her farcical tale of man against rabbits. Once again, a trio of ‘pesky pufftails’ disturbs Mr. McGreely. This time, they are intent on sneaking into his cozy home for winter. After finding rabbit fur in his breakfast and on his favorite chair, Mr. McGreely tries everything to keep the bunnies out. He nails up his mail slot and windows, covers his chimney, and finally, after waking up to a pile of droppings on his pillow, bricks in his doors. Barricaded, he settles in for the winter, but when spring comes, he discovers his error: he is blocked in, while bunnies frolic on his warm, green lawn. A few references to Muncha! may lose kids who don’t know the first title, and this story isn’t as strong and cohesive as the original. Still, Karas’ amusing paint-and-pencil illustrations make the most of the slapstick, and the irresistible rhyme and onomatopoeia (‘Tippy-tippy-tippy, wiggle, through the mail slot. Tippy-jiggle.’) will read-aloud well to a rowdy crowd.” (Gillian Engberg, Booklist)