Tippy Tippy Tippy Splash

illus­trat­ed by G. Bri­an Karas
Atheneum Books for Young Read­ers, 2014
ages preschool to 3

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After you’ve read Tip­py-Tip­py-Tip­py, Splash! try this book:

Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash!

Surf’s up for a bunch of mis­chie­vous bun­nies and one fraz­zled farmer in this beach-time read-aloud adventure.

Mr. McGreely had bun­ny prob­lems.
He had bun­nies in his gar­den.
Bun­nies in his shed.
Bun­nies in his cup­board.
Bun­nies in his … BED!

Mr. McGreely has had it with irk­some rab­bits, so he dons his swim­suit and a pair of gog­gles and gets ready for some time away at the beach. Lit­tle does he know, the bun­nies have stowed away in his back­seat! He also hadn’t known that the ras­cal­ly rab­bits have mad surf­ing and kite fly­ing skills. His annoy­ance is at sun­stroke lev­el … until he sees a sign for a sand­cas­tle-mak­ing con­test, and real­izes that team­ing up with the pesky puff­tails might just have some benefits.


“Watch out, Mr. McGreely! The pesky trio of bun­nies from Mun­cha! Mun­cha! Mun­cha! are back in this con­tin­u­ing adven­ture. Mr. McGreely wants to take a beach day to get away from the rab­bits. Read­ers will quick­ly guess who’s going to stow away in the back­seat of the car. They even ‘click, clack, snap’ the three seat­belts in the style of imi­ta­tion ono­matopoeia, which pep­pers the entire sto­ry. Admir­ers of Karas’s sig­na­ture folksy illus­tra­tions will not be dis­ap­point­ed with the live­ly and whim­si­cal depic­tions of Mr. McGreely being mild­ly dis­mayed to find the stow­aways have fol­lowed him. Once again, he is plagued by a case of bun­nies, who have a pen­chant for turn­ing every plea­sur­able, mun­dane­ly beachy activ­i­ty, such as shell-find­ing, into an intense com­pe­ti­tion, leav­ing poor McGreely infu­ri­at­ed and out­matched. He tries surf­ing and sinks as the bun­nies sing, ‘cowa-bun­ny!’ He is los­ing the sand cas­tle con­test and even starts to cry, until the bun­nies save the day by lend­ing a hand to the reluc­tant and down­trod­den gar­den­er. All togeth­er, bun­nies and man work on the epic sand cas­tle until McGreely is declared the win­ner, final­ly grin­ning and exclaim­ing, ‘Now THAT …  was fun!’ Appro­pri­ate for read-alouds and beach-themed lessons. (Ellie Lease, School Library Jour­nal)

“Long-suf­fer­ing Mr. McGreely, first met in Mun­cha! Mun­cha! Mun­cha!, is back, as are the trio of rab­bits intent on ruin­ing his peace and qui­et. This time, he’s off for a day at the beach, anx­ious to leave the ‘pesky puff­tails’ behind. But the intre­pid bun­nies stow away in his car, eager to share in the fun. Once there, Mr. McGreely goes about his enter­tain­ments, gath­er­ing shells, fly­ing a kite, and rid­ing the waves, only to be out­done by the bun­nies at every turn. But when it comes time to enter the sand-cas­tle con­test, he relents, and, in join­ing forces, the four are vic­to­ri­ous. Fleming’s ono­matopoe­ic slant rhymes (‘HUFF PUFF GASP PANT PUFF!’) express the rab­bits’ irre­press­ible enthu­si­asm, pro­vid­ing a per­fect foil for Mr. McGreely’s crotch­ety intran­si­gence, all of it matched by Karas’ delight­ful paint­ings. The final spread shows the group shar­ing a meal at the Veg­gie Hut (the prize for the con­test) in ten­ta­tive tran­quil­i­ty, but it would be no sur­prise to see fur­ther antics in anoth­er vol­ume of fun.” (Thom Barthelmess, Book­list)