Who Invited You

illus­trat­ed by George Booth
Anne Schwartz Books
Atheneum, 2001
ages 4 to 8

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After you’ve read Who Invit­ed You? try this book:

Who Invited You?

Who invit­ed
and — uh oh! — Gator
on a nice lit­tle girl’s boat trip down the bay­ou?
NO ONE, that’s who!


“Young ‘uns will eager­ly accept these col­lab­o­ra­tors’ tempt­ing invi­ta­tion to hop aboard this clever cumu­la­tive count­ing caper, which opens as a wild-haired girl in a small boat chimes, ‘I was a‑polin’ through the swamp, / only one, / only me, / when I came to the place filled with moss-cov­ered trees.’ There she encoun­ters a pos­sum ‘a‑swingin’, / a‑swayin’, / a‑dan­g­ly-wan­g­ly-playin.’ ’ He drops from the tree and, when asked the tit­u­lar ques­tion, con­fi­dent­ly responds, ‘If you got room for one … you got room for two.’ In turn, sev­en oth­er ani­mals invite them­selves on board, until the boat becomes mighty crowd­ed indeed: ‘Now we are nine, / not an inch more of space, / as we enter the waters of cold, dark Swamp Lake.’ The scale of the art and the type size sud­den­ly grow larg­er as a gator approach­es the boat. He does­n’t mind at all when he’s told there’s no room for him and pro­vides a deli­cious­ly droll denoue­ment. Booth’s com­i­cal pic­tures keep per­fect­ly in tune with Flem­ing’s riotous romp, as they intro­duce a cast of crit­ters with the inim­itable wide-eyed, seem­ing­ly elec­tro­cut­ed look that fans of his New York­er car­toons will imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nize. Kids will be caught up in the zany visu­als and rol­lick­ing rhythm of this nat­ur­al read-aloud.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly)

“In this rhyth­mic cumu­la­tive tale, a young girl, ‘a‑polin’ through the swamp,’ meets sev­er­al bay­ou ani­mals that want to climb aboard. ‘Coon was there-a-splishin’, a‑splashin’, a‑fishy-wishy-catchin’. ‘Scoot over,’ snarled he. ‘I’m a‑comin’ along.’ And he wad­dled from the water, right on top of me.’ The rick­ety boat becomes over­crowd­ed as Pos­sum, Heron, and Muskrat force their way on despite the protests of oth­ers: ‘‘Scram!’ screamed Beaver. ‘You ain’t wel­come at this time.’ ‘If you got room for eight,’ said Otter, ‘you got room for nine.” The word­play and dialects are sim­i­lar to those in Nan­cy Van Laan’s Pos­sum Come a‑Knockin’ (Knopf, 1990). Booth’s ani­mat­ed ink-and-water­col­or illus­tra­tions match the fren­zied rhymes of the text. The car­toon ani­mals, with their wings flap­ping and tails thump­ing, cre­ate a fun­ny sight perched pre­car­i­ous­ly on the young nar­ra­tor’s head. The tone of the sto­ry turns dark­er and the pace slows down as the 10th and final char­ac­ter, Gator, makes his dra­mat­ic entrance and gory exit. With its jaun­ty rhythm and live­ly art, this is a fine read-aloud choice. (Lin­da Lud­ke, School Library Jour­nal)