Women of the Lights

illus­trat­ed by James Watling
Albert Whit­man, 1995
ages 9 and up

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Women of the Lights

Chron­i­cles the lives of women who lived and worked in light­hous­es, brav­ing seas and storms, res­cu­ing peo­ple from icy waters, and lov­ing­ly car­ing for their lights.


“Flem­ing presents fas­ci­nat­ing infor­ma­tion about the var­i­ous women who tend­ed Amer­i­can light­hous­es despite hor­ri­ble weath­er and some­times great per­son­al tragedy. The intro­duc­tion reach­es back to 1768 and the role Han­nah Thomas played in pro­tect­ing the Mass­a­chu­setts coast dur­ing the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion. The author devotes sep­a­rate chap­ters to Ida Lewis, described at her funer­al as “…the most remark­able woman New­port [RI] ever pro­duced”; Kate Walk­er, who raised a fam­i­ly while serv­ing as a light­house keep­er; Har­ri­et Col­fax, who tend­ed the Michi­gan City Light­house; and Emi­ly Fish, who tend­ed the Point Pinos Light­house in Mon­terey, CA, and brought with her a remark­ably ele­gant lifestyle. The text is easy to read, clear, and well orga­nized. Black-and-white illus­tra­tions and pho­tographs, par­tic­u­lar­ly of the sub­jects in their corsets and long skirts, rein­force just how unusu­al these women were. A book that will attract adven­ture-seek­ers and his­to­ry buffs from coast to coast. (School Library Jour­nal, Joan Soulliere)

“Dis­cussing the his­to­ry of women as Amer­i­can light­house keep­ers, Flem­ing begins in Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War days and con­tin­ues into the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, when the Coast Guard took over light­hous­es, updat­ed their tech­nol­o­gy, and grad­u­al­ly retired the civil­ian keep­ers. Four chap­ters high­light indi­vid­ual women not­ed for their courage in res­cues at sea and their tenac­i­ty in tend­ing the lamps: Ida Lewis of New­port, Rhode Island; Kate Walk­er of New York Har­bor; Har­ri­et Col­fax of Michi­gan City, Indi­ana; and Emi­ly Fish of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s Mon­terey Penin­su­la. The last chap­ter intro­duces a num­ber of oth­er women who gained renown as light­house keep­ers. Draw­ings with gray wash­es illus­trate dra­mat­ic scenes of adven­ture, and black-and-white pho­tographs pro­vide glimpses of the light­hous­es and their keep­ers. Source notes pro­vide a sense of the research behind this intrigu­ing, well-writ­ten book. (Book­list, Car­olyn Phelan)